Monday, April 24, 2006

The Traveling Experience

I was in Spain for a spanish trip tour with my son in March and April for 2 weeks of pleasure.

I was in Florida, Texas and Indiana in April for 2 weeks of work.

The experience of those two itineraries and expectations of each are highly shaped by my preparedness for each trip. In the first, I just packed a bag and was along for the ride. In the second, I had a cajillion loop holes, scheduling nightmares and contractual obligations to meet to pull it off. Guess which one met my expectations?

In the pleasure trip, all kinds of little nuisances bothered me, while some of the surprises thrilled me. It was a beautiful country and a wonderful trip.

On the work trip, surprises were not thrilling, but rather something to deal with. There weren't any nuisances, I was too tired to be bothered by nuisances!

The more empowered I was, the more positive my experience as a whole. Not to say that Spain wasn't absolutely wonderful, but the more control I had in what I did each day made me feel more at ease. This type of empowerment is something more products, applications and websites are building.

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